There are seven different financial natures, each with its own way of perceiving the world, of communicating, and of relating to money. Knowing your nature can provide an understanding of what drives many of your financial choices, how it interplay's with your ability to reach your goals at every stage of life and through any financial situation you face.
Protect, Manage, or Pursue
Just as you have your nature that influences how you experience money matters, you also have a primary motivation that colors how you approach your life. We’re all motivated to either Protect, Manage, or Pursue. If you unaware of your own motivations, you can become trapped in a cycle of distorted thinking. If you’re aware of your natural tendencies, you can move forward, capitalizing on strengths and avoiding struggles that may have tripped you up in the past.
Trading in 4 currencies
There are four currencies you can trade with: Time, Health, Relationships, and $tuff. Time is the most immediate currency of your life. Health is the energy you have. Relationships are vital and can be traded every day. $tuff is the most concrete currency, material objects and money that can be traded for more $tuff, services, experiences and even time.